oneTimePad and oneTimePad2 were two of the crypto challenges of this years 0CTF Quals. The CTF used a scoring system with dynamic points and the challenges were worth 114 and 366 points at the end of the competition.
The author solved these challenges while playing for Cyclopropenylidene, the CTF team of the Chaos Computer Club Hansestadt Hamburg.
For this task, we are given an encryption routine in form of a python script and a text file containing three ciphertexts.
The script implements a pseudo random number generator, that is used to generate a stream of 256 bit words: \(k_1, k_2, k_3\). It encrypts three messages by xoring them to corresponding keys.
While \(m_1\) contains the flag, \(m_2\) and \(m_3\) are given in the source code. By \(k_i = m_i \oplus c_i\) we can compute the last two outputs of the random number generator.
Let's see how the PRNG works:
def keygen(seed):
key = str2num(urandom(32))
while True:
yield key
key = process(key, seed)
The seed and the first output are 256 bit values chosen uniformly at random.
The next outputs are generated by applying the function process
the last output and the seed.
The function process interprets the 256 bit integers as elements of the galois
field \(GF(2^{256})\) using their bits as coefficients of a polynomial.
For example the integer 0b101010
corresponds to the polynomial
\(X^5 + X^3 + X\).
The field is defined with the irreducible polynomial
Addition of field elements can be computed as the XOR of the corresponding integers. Back to the function process: It takes \(m, k \in GF(2^{256})\) and computes \((m + k)^2\).
P = 0x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000425L
def process(m, k):
tmp = m ^ k
res = 0
for i in bin(tmp)[2:]:
res = res << 1;
if (int(i)):
res = res ^ tmp
if (res >> 256):
res = res ^ P
return res
Since we know two consecutive outputs \(k_2, k_3\), we can compute the \(seed\) (the square root is defined for all elements of a characteristic two field):
With the \(seed\) we can compute the first output of the random number generator
and then the plaintext
Decoding \(p_1\) to a string yields the flag:
In the second part we are given a ciphertext and part of the corresponding plaintext.
0da8e9e84a99d24d0f788c716ef9e99c ... 1b91df5e5e631e8e9e50c9d80350249c
One-Time Pad is used here. You won't know that the flag is flag{ ... }
This part of the challenge also does arithmetic in a galois field. It uses 128 bit integers and interprets them as elements of \(GF(2^{128})\) wich is defined with the irreducible polynomial
The functions process1
and process2
multiplication in \(GF(2^{128})\) and multiplication of \(2 \times 2\)
matrices over the same field respectively.
P = 0x100000000000000000000000000000087
def process1(m, k):
res = 0
for i in bin(k)[2:]:
res = res << 1;
if (int(i)):
res = res ^ m
if (res >> 128):
res = res ^ P
return res
def process2(a, b):
res = []
res.append(process1(a[0], b[0]) ^ process1(a[1], b[2]))
res.append(process1(a[0], b[1]) ^ process1(a[1], b[3]))
res.append(process1(a[2], b[0]) ^ process1(a[3], b[2]))
res.append(process1(a[2], b[1]) ^ process1(a[3], b[3]))
return res
The random number generator choses the first 128 bit output at random
and applies the function nextrand
to compute the next output.
def keygen():
key = str2num(urandom(16))
while True:
yield key
key = nextrand(key)
The nextrand
function makes use of the global variables
\(A, B\) and \(N\).
While \(N\) is chosen randomly at initialization, \(A\) and \(B\)
are given in the source code. \(A\) and \(B\) are generators of the
finite field.
uses a square-and-multiply approach to compute the
\(N\)-th power of the matrix \(\left( \begin{smallmatrix} A & B \\ 0 & 1 \end{smallmatrix} \right)\):
It uses the entries of the resulting first row to apply the function
to the last output of the RNG. The result is then returned as next output.
Furthermore each call to nextrand
squares \(N\).
A = 0xc6a5777f4dc639d7d1a50d6521e79bfd
B = 0x2e18716441db24baf79ff92393735345
N = str2num(urandom(16))
def nextrand(rand):
global N, A, B
tmp1 = [1, 0, 0, 1]
tmp2 = [A, B, 0, 1]
s = N
N = process1(N, N) # N <- N^2
while s: # tmp2^s * tmp1
if s % 2:
tmp1 = process2(tmp2, tmp1) # tmp1 <- tmp2 * tmp1
tmp2 = process2(tmp2, tmp2) # tmp2 <- tmp2^2
s = s / 2
return process1(rand, tmp1[0]) ^ tmp1[1] # rand * tmp1[0] + tmp1[1]
We know the beginning of the plaintext and therefore the first outputs of the RNG. Since \(k_2 = nextrand(k_1)\), we can solve the following equation for \(N\) to get its initial value.
Now we know with \(k_1\) and \(N\) all values that were chosen randomly. Thus we can reconstruct the keystream and decrypt the complete message:
One-Time Pad is used here. You won't know that the flag is flag{LCG1sN3ver5aFe!!}
The given source code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
from os import urandom
def process(m, k):
tmp = m ^ k
res = 0
for i in bin(tmp)[2:]:
res = res << 1;
if (int(i)):
res = res ^ tmp
if (res >> 256):
res = res ^ P
return res
def keygen(seed):
key = str2num(urandom(32))
while True:
yield key
key = process(key, seed)
def str2num(s):
return int(s.encode('hex'), 16)
P = 0x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000425L
true_secret = open('flag.txt').read()[:32]
assert len(true_secret) == 32
print 'flag{%s}' % true_secret
fake_secret1 = "I_am_not_a_secret_so_you_know_me"
fake_secret2 = "feeddeadbeefcafefeeddeadbeefcafe"
secret = str2num(urandom(32))
generator = keygen(secret)
ctxt1 = hex(str2num(true_secret) ^[2:-1]
ctxt2 = hex(str2num(fake_secret1) ^[2:-1]
ctxt3 = hex(str2num(fake_secret2) ^[2:-1]
f = open('ciphertext', 'w')
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
from os import urandom
def process1(m, k):
res = 0
for i in bin(k)[2:]:
res = res << 1;
if (int(i)):
res = res ^ m
if (res >> 128):
res = res ^ P
return res
def process2(a, b):
res = []
res.append(process1(a[0], b[0]) ^ process1(a[1], b[2]))
res.append(process1(a[0], b[1]) ^ process1(a[1], b[3]))
res.append(process1(a[2], b[0]) ^ process1(a[3], b[2]))
res.append(process1(a[2], b[1]) ^ process1(a[3], b[3]))
return res
def nextrand(rand):
global N, A, B
tmp1 = [1, 0, 0, 1]
tmp2 = [A, B, 0, 1]
s = N
N = process1(N, N)
while s:
if s % 2:
tmp1 = process2(tmp2, tmp1)
tmp2 = process2(tmp2, tmp2)
s = s / 2
return process1(rand, tmp1[0]) ^ tmp1[1]
def keygen():
key = str2num(urandom(16))
while True:
yield key
key = nextrand(key)
def encrypt(message):
length = len(message)
pad = '\x00' + urandom(15 - (length % 16))
to_encrypt = message + pad
res = ''
generator = keygen()
f = open('key.txt', 'w') # This is used to decrypt and of course you won't get it.
for i, key in zip(range(0, length, 16), generator):
res += num2str(str2num(to_encrypt[i:i+16]) ^ key)
return res
def decrypt(ciphertxt):
def str2num(s):
return int(s.encode('hex'), 16)
def num2str(n, block=16):
s = hex(n)[2:].strip('L')
s = '0' * ((32-len(s)) % 32) + s
return s.decode('hex')
P = 0x100000000000000000000000000000087
A = 0xc6a5777f4dc639d7d1a50d6521e79bfd
B = 0x2e18716441db24baf79ff92393735345
N = str2num(urandom(16))
assert N != 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open('top_secret') as f:
top_secret =
assert len(top_secret) == 16
plain = "One-Time Pad is used here. You won't know that the flag is flag{%s}." % top_secret
with open('ciphertxt', 'w') as f: