Binary Misc Linux Syscall Reference (x86) Linux Syscall Reference (x86-64) ELF Reference Stack Aleph One: Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit Format Strings scut, team teso: Exploiting Format String Vulnerabilities Return Oriented Programming Return-Oriented Programming: Systems, Languages, and Applications Blind Return Oriented Programming (BROP) Heap shellphish: how2heap (Educational Heap Exploitation) sploitfun: Understanding glibc malloc sploitfun: Heap overflow using Malloc Maleficarum w00w00 on Heap Overflows Once upon a free()... huku: Yet another free() exploitation technique FILE Structure kees: abusing the FILE structure Books Perla, Oldani: A guide to kernel exploitation Tools GNU Debugger (gdb) pwntools / binjitsu pwndbg peda american fuzzy lop (afl) angr radare2 ropper ropgadget Unicorn (CPU emulator) Capstone (Disassembly framework) Keystone (Assembler framework) Challenges OverTheWire Microcorruption Websites sploitF-U-N (Blog)