zwiebel (the German word for onion) was a reversing challenge for 55 points in this year's TUM CTF.
I found this onion in my kitchen, may I ask you to dissect it?
Executing the binary it asks us to enter a key. After entering some string the program responds with a sad face. Our input was not correct, so we have to find find out a valid key.
$ ./zwiebel
Input key: foobar
Disassembling the main function in radare2, we can see, what's going on.
;-- main:
╒ (fcn) sym.main 128
│ ; DATA XREF from 0x004006ed (entry0)
│ 0x00400800 4157 push r15
│ 0x00400802 4156 push r14
│ 0x00400804 53 push rbx
│ 0x00400805 bf07094000 mov edi, str.Input_key: ; "Input key: " @ 0x400907
│ 0x0040080a 31c0 xor eax, eax
│ 0x0040080c e84ffeffff call sym.imp.printf
│ 0x00400811 488b3d885722. mov rdi, qword [rip + 0x225788] ; [0x625fa0:8]=0x616962654428203a LEA obj.__TMC_END__ ; ": (Debian 6.1.1-11) 6.1.1 20160802" @ 0x625fa0
│ 0x00400818 e883feffff call sym.imp.fflush
│ 0x0040081d 488b158c5722. mov rdx, qword [rip + 0x22578c] ; [0x625fb0:8]=0x2e312e3620293131 LEA obj.stdin__GLIBC_2.2.5 ; "11) 6.1.1 20160802" @ 0x625fb0
│ 0x00400824 41bf80126000 mov r15d, str.hxp_th15_15_c3rt41nly_n0t_th3_fl4g_ ; "hxp{th15_15_c3rt41nly_n0t_th3_fl4g}" @ 0x601280
│ 0x0040082a bf80126000 mov edi, str.hxp_th15_15_c3rt41nly_n0t_th3_fl4g_ ; "hxp{th15_15_c3rt41nly_n0t_th3_fl4g}" @ 0x601280
│ 0x0040082f be90000000 mov esi, 0x90
│ 0x00400834 e847feffff call sym.imp.fgets
│ 0x00400839 bf00000000 mov edi, 0
│ 0x0040083e be8d4c0200 mov esi, 0x24c8d
│ 0x00400843 ba07000000 mov edx, 7
│ 0x00400848 b922000000 mov ecx, 0x22 ; '"'
│ 0x0040084d 41b8ffffffff mov r8d, 0xffffffff ; -1 ; -1
│ 0x00400853 4531c9 xor r9d, r9d
│ 0x00400856 e8f5fdffff call sym.imp.mmap
│ 0x0040085b 4989c6 mov r14, rax
│ 0x0040085e be10136000 mov esi, obj.shc ; obj.shc
│ 0x00400863 ba8d4c0200 mov edx, 0x24c8d
│ 0x00400868 4c89f7 mov rdi, r14
│ 0x0040086b e820feffff call sym.imp.memcpy
│ 0x00400870 4c89fb mov rbx, r15
│ 0x00400873 31c0 xor eax, eax
│ 0x00400875 41ffd6 call r14
│ 0x00400878 31c0 xor eax, eax
│ 0x0040087a 5b pop rbx
│ 0x0040087b 415e pop r14
│ 0x0040087d 415f pop r15
╘ 0x0040087f c3 ret
It reads 144 byte from standard input and writes the result in a buffer filled with a fake flag. Then it uses mmap to map a new region of memory, copies an amount of data from the symbol shc to that region and calls it.
;-- shc:
; DATA XREF from 0x0040085e (sym.main)
0x00601310 8db600000000 lea esi, dword [rsi]
0x00601316 8d742600 lea esi, dword [rsi]
0x0060131a 8db426000000. lea esi, dword [rsi]
0x00601321 8dbc27000000. lea edi, dword [rdi]
0x00601328 4889d8 mov rax, rbx
0x0060132b 8a4000 mov al, byte [rax]
0x0060132e 2440 and al, 0x40
┌──< 0x00601330 7416 je 0x601348
││ 0x00601332 488d35340000. lea rsi, qword [rip + 0x34] ; 0x60136d
││ 0x00601339 ad lodsd eax, dword [rsi]
││ 0x0060133a 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
││ 0x0060133d ad lodsd eax, dword [rsi]
┌───> 0x0060133e 3106 xor dword [rsi], eax
│││ 0x00601340 4883c604 add rsi, 4
└───< 0x00601344 e2f8 loop 0x60133e
┌───< 0x00601346 ~ eb2d jmp 0x601375
│││ ;-- str._h:__n:
│││ 0x00601347 .string "-h:(\\n" ; len=6
│ │ 0x0060134d b801000000 mov eax, 1
│ │ 0x00601352 bf00000000 mov edi, 0
│ │ 0x00601357 4889e6 mov rsi, rsp
│ │ 0x0060135a ba03000000 mov edx, 3
│ │ 0x0060135f 0f05 syscall
│ │ 0x00601361 b83c000000 mov eax, 0x3c ; '<'
│ │ 0x00601366 bf01000000 mov edi, 1
│ │ 0x0060136b 0f05 syscall
│ │ 0x0060136d ~ 0a930000eb28 or dl, byte [rbx + 0x28eb0000]
│ │ ;-- str._F_f___:
│ │ 0x00601372 .string "(F<f\\`<" ; len=8
│ 0x0060137a a19eb6ab3562. movabs eax, dword [0x3e9f3e6235abb69e] ; [0x3e9f3e6235abb69e:4]=-1
│ 0x00601383 0e invalid ; [0x3e9f3e6235abb69e:4]=-1
│ 0x00601384 b1de mov cl, 0xde
│ 0x00601386 1c46 sbb al, 0x46
The address of our input buffer is stored in ebx
The code loads the first byte of our input and checks if the bit 0x40 is set.
If that is not the case an error message is printed and the program exits.
Otherwise it loads two words relative to the instruction pointer (qword
[rip + 0x34]
The first is used as a counter and the second is xored to the following words
in a loop. When the counter reaches zero a jump to the decrypted code is
If we try to step through the binary with GDB, the program exits before
reaching the main function.
The reason is hidden in a function named __printf
which is called during
╒ (fcn) sym.__printf 45 │ 0x004007d0 50 push rax │ 0x004007d1 31ff xor edi, edi │ 0x004007d3 31f6 xor esi, esi │ 0x004007d5 31d2 xor edx, edx │ 0x004007d7 31c9 xor ecx, ecx │ 0x004007d9 31c0 xor eax, eax │ 0x004007db e8d0feffff call sym.imp.ptrace │ 0x004007e0 4885c0 test rax, rax │ ┌─< 0x004007e3 7504 jne 0x4007e9 │ │ 0x004007e5 31c0 xor eax, eax │ │ 0x004007e7 5a pop rdx │ │ 0x004007e8 c3 ret │ └─> 0x004007e9 bf04094000 mov edi, 0x400904 │ 0x004007ee e84dfeffff call sym.imp.puts │ 0x004007f3 bfffffffff mov edi, 0xffffffff ; -1 ; -1 ╘ 0x004007f8 e833feffff call sym.imp._exit
It checks whether any process is attached to it using ptrace. If that is the case the program exits with an error message. This is an anti-debugging method, but we can replace the jump with NOPs, such that the exit is never executed.
In each iteration one bit of the input is checked and the code of the next iteration gets decrypted. Since there seemed to be a lot of iterations, we have written a script (see below) so solve this challenge. It uses the capstone engine to disassemble the code, extracts offset and value of the checked bit and decrypts the next section. After 1605 iterations the code exits successfully with ":)" and we have recovered all bits of the flag:
The full solution:
#/usr/bin/env python3
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from struct import pack, unpack
import IPython
from capstone import *
addr_data = 0x601270
len_data = 0x24d2d
off_data = 0x1270
addr_shc = 0x601310
len_shc = 0x24c8d
addr_buf = 0x601280
off_shc = addr_shc - addr_data
with open('zwiebel', 'rb') as f:
data =
shc = bytearray(data[off_shc:])
mov_rax_rbx_bytes = unhexlify('4889d8')
md = Cs(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_64)
md.detail = True
constraints = []
def xor(offset, size, bites):
print("[+] XOR 0x{:x}, 0x{:x}, {}".format(offset, size, hexlify(bites)))
for i in range(size * 4):
shc[offset+i] ^= bites[i%len(bites)]
def print_inst(i):
print("0x{:04x}: {:14s} {} {}".format(i.address, hexlify(i.bytes).decode(), i.mnemonic, i.op_str))
def analyze_block(offset):
global cnt
b1 = bytes(shc[offset:])
insts = list(md.disasm(b1, offset))
while insts[0].bytes != mov_rax_rbx_bytes:
except IndexError:
for i in md.disasm(b1, offset):
i_indx = insts[1]
print("[+] index instruction")
indx = i_indx.operands[1].mem.disp
i_mask = insts[2]
print("[+] mask instruction")
mask = i_mask.operands[1].imm
i_bit_set = insts[3]
print("[+] bit set instruction")
bit_set = i_bit_set.insn_name() == 'je'
constraints.append((indx, mask, bit_set))
i_addr = insts[4]
print("[+] next block instruction")
off = insts[5].address + i_addr.operands[1].mem.disp
off_next = off + 0x8
xor_ctr = unpack('<I', shc[off:off+4])[0]
xor_byte = shc[off+4:off+8]
xor(off_next, xor_ctr, xor_byte)
print("[+] next block at offset 0x{:x}".format(off_next))
return off_next
def print_block(offset):
sys_cnt = 0
for i in md.disasm(bytes(shc[offset:]), offset):
print("0x{:04x}: {:14s} {} {}".format(i.address, hexlify(i.bytes).decode(), i.mnemonic, i.op_str))
if i.insn_name() == 'syscall':
sys_cnt += 1
if sys_cnt == 2:
blocks = [0x11]
cnt = 1
while True:
print("[+] block {}".format(cnt))
nxt = analyze_block(blocks[-1])
cnt += 1
inp = bytearray(0x90)
for off, mask, bit_set in constraints:
if bit_set:
inp[off] |= mask